Aimee Margolis
artist bio alterative photography plates masks environmental series works on paper paintings sculpture
pure photography wearable art edible art project art show (TV) think tank recent projects

Click on photo for bigger image   
Portrait of Ten Portrait at Play Person in Pose People in Action
 Perfect Moment  Romantic Moment  Infinite Landscape Small Space Still Life  
 CELEB SERIES - Picasso & me  Warhol & me Lucy and me   Janis & me  
 TORSO Series  Torso - Back  Torso - Front Torso Back  
Portrait in Pregnancy Series 18.    19.  20.
 Moth Memorial Light Series #2  Moth Memorial Light #7  Moth Memorial Light #4 Moth Memorial Light #5  
Moth Memorial Light #8 Moth Memorial Light #10 copy Moth Memorial Lights Series Moth Memorial Light #11
Moth Memorial Light #12
Moth Memorial Lights Series
Moth Memorial Lights Series
Moth Memorial Lights #11B
Aimee I. Margolis


PURE PHOTOGRAPHY is someplace you can go or a person you may recognize, unlike Alternative Photography, it is showing a documented moment. Pure, without any camera manipulation or computer rendering.

Shown are examples of pure portraiture to landscapes. Posed as well as action pictures of everyday moments. I love doing portraits capturing the real elements of another living being. The portraits and landscaped are usually large in size mounted on brushed aluminum or plexiglass.

The CELEB SERIES are photographs of celebrities and myself through the years usually chatting or going to an event. There are about 25 images of famous people and me from Picasso to Christo.

The TORSO Series are black and white as well as colored photography
using models with their limbs concealed by shadow. The overall look of
the TORSO Series is of classical sculpture enhanced by draped cloth and loss of limbs still portraying beauty and perfection.

PORTRAIT IN PREGNANCY are a series of portraits of one healthy, robust woman who is pregnant. Beautiful and strong, a modern day Willendorf figure. 16 x 24" in size.

The MOTH MEMORIAL LIGHT Series of photography were taken on September 11, 2004. Marking the third year anniversary of the tragic Twin Tower attack. These man-made beacons of light memorialize the event in an unexpected way. The 40 large lights attracted thousands of moths making a laser light show that could be seen for miles. These flickering moths flew high and then gradually came darting closer to the lights dying in a puff of smoke. So many moths and so many died, a tribute to the the victims of 911. The series are large scale and monumental 20 x 35" and larger.

For further information

Tel-Aviv, Israel at Dawn C-print

EditRegion8© 2005 Aimee Margolis. All rights reserved.